The theory of biorhythms, as it was originally disclosed in the so-called "chronobiology", states that our life is influenced by different cycles known as biological rhythms (physical, emotional, intellectual, intuitive, aesthetic and spiritual), which begin with birth (zero value) and which, with the passage of time, assume positive values and then descend towards negative values, with a periodic frequency. This frequency follows a constant of immutable periodicity. The duration in specific days for each cycle is as follows: physical of 23 days, emotional of 28 days, intellectual of 33 days, intuitive of 38 days, aesthetic of 43 days and spiritual of 53 days. The day when a curve crosses the 0% horizontal axis is called "critical". These are the days when we are most vulnerable and exposed to problems of various kinds. The day when all six curves cross that axis is the most critical of all. One of those days is our birthday. When the curve is in the positive zone (the top of the graph) we have excellent skills in the activity that the cycle represents. If the curve is in the negative range (the bottom of the graph) it means that we are simply in bad shape with respect to that activity.Knowing your biological rhythm can help you avoid risks or plan your life for the better. The biorhythms can be consulted to be aware of their strengths and to plan particular activities in more favorable moments; to avoid jobs that require the use of great energy in periods of unfavorable phases and reserve them for the days in which the biorhythms enter the high phase or, if they are not avoidable, compensate with an increase in rest times those efforts that in the phases low are carried out with a higher cost of vital energy.So have fun consulting your biorhythms, but the best attitude is still to stay with your feet on the ground and keep in mind that what happens in our life is the result of what we are and what we think.In order to change the consultation date, long touch on the "blue date" at the bottom left.To save the biorhythm graph, long touch on "Save".